The clue's in the name...hailing from the rainforests of Bolivia, this epiphytic cactus has insinuated its graceful tentacles into homes and hearts all around the world.

Growing naturally in the moisture-collecting forks and crevices of tall trees, those elegant whips can reach an impressive length when cascading from a hanging planter. 

Being a forest-dweller, this cactus will appreciate a little more attention to watering than its desert cousins. 

Water it regularly to keep the substrate slightly moist (never wet) and allow the top 2-3 cm of soil to dry before watering again. 

Plant care


Genus: Lepismium
Species / Cultivar: bolivianum

Genus: Lepismium
Species / Cultivar: bolivianum





Semi Shade - Bright Indirect

Semi Shade - Bright Indirect


Medium: moist but never wet

Medium: moist but never wet


Non toxic

Non toxic

Care tips

Water regularly to keep the substrate slightly moist (never wet) and allow the top 2-3 cm of soil to dry before watering again.

A well-draining potting mix is important for good root health. We recommend a peat-free soil with added perlite and/or some orchid bark to emulate the open, free-draining material in which this cactus would inhabit in the wild.

Its fleshy stems will burn under intense sun, so a site 1-2m from a bright window will be best.

Water regularly to keep the substrate slightly moist (never wet) and allow the top 2-3 cm of soil to dry before watering again.

A well-draining potting mix is important for good root health. We recommend a peat-free soil with added perlite and/or some orchid bark to emulate the open, free-draining material in which this cactus would inhabit in the wild.

Its fleshy stems will burn under intense sun, so a site 1-2m from a bright window will be best.