A magnificent succulent shrub, named after its native home, the Behara region in South Madagascar.
We may think of this tropical island as being a lushly-forested oasis, but large areas of the land are also hot, arid and desert. This fuzzy-leaved character is splendidly adapted for life in this extreme place, with thick moisture-retaining leaves and stems. The silvery, furry leaves are adept at reflecting the pounding sun, and preventing moisture loss. Those velvety leaves are huggable but fragile. Take caution when moving or re-potting your Kalanchoe.
Watering this plant should not be a common activity. True to itâÂÂs succulent nature, this desert shrub will happily wait for long periods between waterings. Allow the substrate to dry completely before giving a deep and thorough soak. Resist the urge to do this too often, especially during the cooler Winter months and, never leave the pot sitting in water.
A very bright location is essential for it will not tolerate shade. Place as close to a bright window as possible.