Those stems! A handsome, elegantly venomous-looking plant. Unique to the island of Luzon in the Philippines. 

A denizen of the shady forest floor, the leafy arrows will turn to follow and capture the light. You'll never catch it in the act, but these plants will rotate themselves to face your window...eerie, dramatic, and a must-have for Alocasia collectorsKnown as a bit of a Diva. It won't take kindly to dry roots: water little and often to maintain a moist (but never wet!) substrate. Allow excess water to drain freely, and position the plant in a warm spot away from draughts.

Consistency is the name of the game, here. Get the light, temperature and watering just so and youâ"ll have a handsome specimen that will grow steadily into a grand and dramatic centrepiece.

Plant care


Genus: Alocasia
Species / Cultivar: zebrina

Genus: Alocasia
Species / Cultivar: zebrina


Luzon, Phillipines

Luzon, Phillipines


Semi-shade to Bright indirect

Semi-shade to Bright indirect


Medium: moist but never wet

Medium: moist but never wet


Mildly toxic if ingested

Mildly toxic if ingested

Care tips

Humidity is key: they respond well to being grouped-together with other plants. This creates a small microclimate, where each plant generates its own 'atmosphere' of moisture as it transpires, and supports those around it. Actually, most indoor plants will really thrive when treated this way...consider it group therapy (and a lot more effective and efficient than 'misting')

Humidity is key: they respond well to being grouped-together with other plants. This creates a small microclimate, where each plant generates its own 'atmosphere' of moisture as it transpires, and supports those around it. Actually, most indoor plants will really thrive when treated this way...consider it group therapy (and a lot more effective and efficient than 'misting')